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Freak Fortress 2 x10 Weapon Stats 1483
These are all the weapon stats for our Freak Fortress 2 x10 servers. This is compiled by (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198139584452/). > Use CTRL + F to search for your weapon of choice! Scout * Primary Weapons Scattergun 900% primary ammo 100% bullets per shot 10% more accurate 20% reload speed 20% faster firing speed Force-a-Nature 100% faster firing speed 200% bullets per shot 10 vertical knockback 10 horizontal knockback 150% slower reload speed Shortstop 200 health 20% movement speed 400% primary ammo 50 faster firing speed 300% clip size 300% slower reload speed 25% healing from medics and health packs Soda Popper 50% reload speed 100% firing speed 80% clipsize Baby Face's Blaster 70% more accurate 35% movement speed The Back Scatter x2 more bullets per shot Force-a-Nature like reload 250% damage if hit from behind 50% faster reload Secondary Weapons Pistol 90% faster reload time 900% secondary ammo 100% accuracy Bonk Atomic Punch! No changes. Crit-a-Cola 20% movement speed 50% faster recharge rate. Mad Milk/Mutated Milk 75% faster recharge rate 300 Milk Range! Winger 150% damage bonus 82% clip size Mini crits become crits. Crits vs non burning players. Quick reload time. 100 Jump height. 100 crits on burning players from behind. Flying Guillotine 90% faster firing speed 95% recharge rate Crits vs stunned players. Pretty Boys Pocket Pistol 5 health on hit 150 max health 900 max ammo 25% health from packs No fall damage Take 500% more fire damage 25% health from healers Take 20% more damage Melee Weapons Bat 60% Firing Rate 10% damage 50% Secondary And Primary Ammo Holy Mackerel 10% damage Bonus Sandman 150 HP 70% Balls Recharge Rate 200% More Balls Candy Cane Take 250% more damage from explosives. Healed 1.5X Faster Boston Basher 50 Seconds Of Bleeding Minicrits Become Crits Crits vs Non-Burning players Sun-on-a-stick Deal up to 1000 damage vs. Burning players Heals you if you're burning. 300% Firing Rate No Random Critical hits. Fan-o-war 96% damage penalty 30% faster weapon switch x2 taunt speed Heals 50 health on hit Wrap Assassin 80% damage Instant recharge balls. Atomizer 10 double jumps 300 firing rate 96% damage Take 0.5x more damage from bullets. Soldier * Primary Weapons Rocket Launcher 100% Blast Radius 60 Faster Reload Speed Minicrits Become Crits No DMG Falloff 50% Self dmg from rocket jumping 900% Max Ammo Minicrits airborne targets Direct Hit 99% Explosive Radius 160% Projectile Speed 250 Dmg bonus Crits airborne target Black Box 50 HP on hit 25% clip size 50 max Hp 50% Blast Radius 150 Max Ammo Rocket Jumper 30 movement speed 100 max Hp Minicrits become crits 40% jump height 0.25x less clipsize 50% Health from healers 75% clipsize Cow Mangler 5000 High Afterburn DMG 50 Reload speed 50 speed while using the charged shot Causes bleeding 80% clipsize Faster Firing Speed 0.75x less dmg Higher Blast Radius 200% Fire Resistant Afterburn last 50% less. Beggar's Bazooka DMG falloff decreased 0.5x Less Blast radius Load up to 30 rockets 30 Degrees of random divation 900% primaxy ammo Overloads when full Air Strike 90% Self DMG from rocket jumps 50% Explosive Radius Small Reload speed bonus 25% dmg penalty Secondary Weapons Shotgun 20% reload speed 40% accuracy 40% firing speed 10% damage 900% secondary ammo Buff Banner 200% Longer Buff Time Gunboats 80% self dmg from rocket jumping Battalion's Backup 200 HP 75% Healing From Healers Concheror x10 Banner duration 40 HP Per second Mantreads 100% pushback 75% explosive dmg 900 DMG Reserve Shooter Normal X10 Reserve Shooter Righeous Bison 60% Reload speed 40% firing speed cannot be crit boosted x2 DMG vs burning players Base Jumper 900% Damage Works like a mantread 50 HP Panic Attack 70% Faster Firing Speed 80% Faster Reload Speed 568% Clip SIze 550% Secondary Ammo 500% Deploy Time 70% Faster Firing Speed BONUS 50% DMG Penalty Melee Weapons Shovel Vertical Swing 70% More Range 10% Faster Firing Speed 10% Walk Speed 50% Secondary Ammo 50% Primary Ammo Equalizer 100% DMG Bonus Works like a Escape Plan No mark for death Escape Plan 50 DMG Works like a Escape Plan No mark for death Pain Train 100% DMG Bonus 10 Seconds of bleed on hit 25 DMG Taken 100% Slower Fire rate Half-Zatoichi 50 HP on hit X10 Range Disciplinary Action 100% DMG 700% Range 75% Firing Rate Speed Boost Teammates 30% Faster Weapon Switch Market Gardener 100% Range Bonus Fire X3 Slower Pyro * Primary Weapons Flamethrower 50% Airblast Cost 300 DMG Bonus 100% Ammo cost per second 400% afterburn DMG 200% Time to airblast Backburner 900% Airblast Cost 750% Airblat Vertical Pushback 750% Airblat Pushback 75% ammo cost per second Minicrits become crits 900% airblast time Degreaser 100% faster weapon switch 66% afterburn DMG 100% deploy time 400 Primary ammo 100 Airblast time Phlogistinator Heal 2 HP on hit Rainblower Same stats as the Flamethrower. Secondary Weapons Flaregun 400 DMG 50% DMG on non burning targets 100% faster weapon switch Detonator 100% Self knockback Wearers never take fall dmg Less Ammo Reserve Shooter No changes. Manmelter Projectile can't be deflected Increased projectile speed Much faster firing speed Scorch Shot 50% DMG 10 Times Explosive Radius Faster Firing Speed Melee Weapons Fire Axe No changes. Axtinguisher 100% DMG Vs non burning targets No crits vs non burning targets 400 DMG boost on crits 200% Firing speed Postal Pummeler 400 DMG Boost on crits 300% Firing Speed 225 HP 30% Run speed Highly Increased Jumpheight Homewrecker 500% DMG Bonus 200% Slower Swing Speed 50% movement speed Provides Only on active 100% Range The Maul Same as Homewrecker Powerjack 75 HP on hit 150 HP on kill 20% Movement speed 25 HP Backscratcher 250% DMG Bonus No HP From medics 500% HP From health packs 250 HP X2 Slower Firing Rate Sharpened Volcano Fragment 200% Slower Swing Speed 10x Afterburn DMG 50 Seconds of bleed 75 HP Always crits vs non burning players 96% DMG Third Degree X2 Ubercharge rate to healer X2 HP From healers 100% ubercharge on hit Crits vs overhealed players no random critical hits! Lollichop Same as default Neon Annihilator 70% DMG Really fast firing speed 50 HP 140% More run speed Demoman * Primary Weapons Grenade Launcher 50 Faster reload minicrits become crits 20% faster firing speed 100% blast radius 275% primary ammo 6 bullets a clip Loch-n-load 80% clip size 200% DMG Bonus 250% Projectile speed X3 Dmg to self 99% explosive radius Ali Baba's Wee Booties 1000% turning while charging 250 HP Bootlegger Same as Ali Baba's Wee Booties X5 DMG No DMG if hits the world x10 knockback Horizontal Knockback Reload slower Base Jumper Same as soldier's Iron Bomber 90% DMG penalty 80% Faster reload speed 85% faster firing speed 400% Primary Ammo 500% Clip size No knockback 50 HP Secondary Weapons Stickybomb Launcher No changes. Chargin' Targe 95% DMG from fire blast and crits 100% Knockback reduction 5% Movement speed Scottish Resistance 95 Firing Rate 500% Max secondary Ammo 30 Stickybombs Out 8 stickybombs out 8 second arm time Mark for death on active 30 faster reload speed 300% Faster gesture speed Sticky Jumper No changes. Splendid Screen 700% DMG 30% Explosive DMG 40% Fire DMG 100% pushback Faster movement speed Take 1/2 Fire and explosive 100% pushback Faster movement speed Quickiebomb Launcher 4 Seconds sticky arm time 80% faster stickybomb charge rate 85% clip size 200% DMG Bonus on charge Melee Weapons Bottle 10% Faster Firing Speed 50 Primary and secondary ammo 100% more knockback to self 25 HP 50% DMG Scottish Handshake 300% Self Knockback Hit yourself on miss Fire Slower 300 knockback from other sources Eyelander No changes. Nessie's Nine Iron 40% DMG 80% Firing rate Scottsmans Skullcutter 200% DMG Bonus 40% movement speed 10 Seconds of charge time 500 Charge impact DMG 10 seconds of speed boost on hit 100% Charge Rate On Hit 200% Charge Recharge Rate 100% Slower firing speed Chaidheamh Mor 5 seconds of charge time 50 HP x10 Charge DMG Kills refills meter Ullapool Caber X3 DMG X5 Blast radius 100% dmg from fire no fall dmg Persian Persuader x3 Charge Recharge rate 0.5x charge time x3 impact dmg ammo gives charge Heavy * Primary Weapons Minigun 75% movement speed while spun 400% Primary ammo 20% accuracy 20% firing speed 50% spinup time Natascha 400% Primary ammo 25% chance to slow 100% slower spin up time 10 hp on hit 50% DMG resistance while spun up under 50% HP 50% Slower Firing Speed Brass Beast 200% DMG Bonus 500% spin up time 99% move speed while spun up cannot be crit boosted Fire 1.5x slower Tomislav 100% Spin up time Fire 1.2x slower 1.75x DMG Huo-Long Heater No stats are changed Secondary Weapons Sandvich 50% Faster Recharge Rate 400% Healing Receive 100 HP 200% Faster taunt speed Dalokahs Bar 25% Faster Recharge Rate 100% Healing Received 9999900% Slower Decay Rate Buffalo Steak Sandvich 35% Steak speed bonus 250% DMG Taken No Healing from medics Much Faster recharge rate X2 Taunt speed 500% HP From packs Family Business 60% Reload speed 40% Firing speed 80% clip size 500% max ammo Melee Weapons Fists 10% Faster Firing Speed 50% Primary and Secondary Ammo. Killing Gloves of Boxing No stats changes Gloves Of Running Urgently 300% Movement Speed 100% DMG 100% Self DMG Force 70 HP Per second Only work on active Warrior's Spirit 300% DMG Bonus Provides on active 50 HP On hit 50% DMG from crits Take more DMG while active Attack 2.5x slower Deploy time increased Fists of Steel 500% health from packs No healing from medics 200% switch speed Provides on active Take 0.5x More DMG from melee Regen 5 HP per second 20 HP on hit Eviction Notice On hit: 10 seconds of speed boost Bleed enemy for 5 seconds on hit 80% DMG 80% Firing rate Take 1x more DMG Holiday Punch Slow enemy down on hit Attack Really Fast Stun enemies when they're midair 80% DMG Engineer * Primary Weapons Frontier Justice 60% Clip size 85% Primary Ammo 200% Slower Firing Speed Widowmaker Use Much less metal per shot Pomson 6000 100% Ubercharge on hit 100% Cloak on hit cannot be crit boosted Much faster firing speed Rescue Ranger Healing arrows heals more Build Teleporter faster Has reduced ammo and clipsize Teleporter cost set to 0 Teleporter Upgrade cost set to 0 Secondary Weapons Wrangler No changes made Short Circuit Uses 200 metal pers hot x10 DMG Fire x10 slower 25 HP on wearer Melee Weapons Wrench Sentry fire rate 40% 200% Repair rate Build 0.92 times faster 100% building cost Sentries range increased by 0.7x Sentries DMG increased by 0.38x Swings 0.8x faster Gunslinger 20% Faster Firing Speed 200 HP 100% Faster Sentry Build Southern Hospitality 200 Metal Regen Instantly Upgrade Buildings 150% Fire rate Take 200% more DMG from fire 200% Repair rate 200% Max Metal Jag x5 Construction rate Cannot deal any dmg Swings Much faster x2 More max metal Repair much slower Eureka Effect No changes made Medic * Primary Weapons Syringe Gun 2 Uber on hit 90% Firing Speed Overdose Run Little bit faster Fire much slower shoots rockets 30% Uber on hit 250% max primary ammo Blutsauger 15 HP on hit 10 HP per sec 200 DMG Bonus Take 25% more DMG 40 Fire Rate 10% ammo per 5 secs Can't switch from primary Crusader's Crossbow 50% Reload speed 12% Uber on hit x1.25 DMG Headshot does x2 DMG Secondary Weapons Medi Gun 45% Heal rate 900% Slower Decay Rate Kritzkrieg 250% Healing Rate Overheal decay slower Quick-Fix 400% Heal rate 250% Ubercharge rate Uses mega heal Default overheal. Vaccinator No changes made Melee Weapons Bonesaw 10% Faster Firing Speed 50% DMG Bonus 10% DMG Taken 10% Uber on hit x10 Primary Ammo Ubersaw 50% Uber on hit 100% Slower Firing speed Vita-saw Keep 100% Uber on death Has sword range 100 HP 70% Faster Firing speed 60% DMG penalty Amputator x3 Range 30HP Per second 1.5x faster taunt 200 HP Solemn Vow See enemies hp Stun enemies if hit them airborne x10 Range 10% Firing rate Sniper * Primary Weapons Sniper Rifle 900% Primary Ammo While aiming you walk faster than normal. Huntsman/Fortified Compound 400% Primary Ammo 20% reload speed Work as a base jumper Stun enemies if hit airborne Sydney Sleeper 250% Faster Charge Rate 5 Sec of bleeding on hit 66% Afterburn DMG Penalty 100% Primary Ammo 50% DMG Penalty Ignite on hit 50% afterburn time Bazaar Bargain Headshot does more DMG Explosive shots Machina/Shooting Star 150% DMG At full charge Charge Slower Hitman's Heatmaker Shoot Faster 70 rage on kill 30 rage on assist x10 duration 500% max ammo x2 DMG on headshot Less DMG on bodyshot Classic Shoot Rockets! 30% Movement speed No knockback 95% speed while shooting Secondary Weapons SMG 10% Reload speed 10% Accuracy 10% Firing Speed 10% DMG 900% Secondary Ammo Jarate 80% Faster Recharge Rate x2 More Ammo Razorback No chages made Darwin's Danger Shield 250 HP Works as a base jumper 10 HP Per sec 99% knockback while aiming 125 HP Move slower Cleaner's Carbine Low clip size 2.4x more DMG x10 ammo 1.5x slower fire rate Shoots a projectile Melee Weapons Kukri Same as any other classes stock melee Tribalman's Shiv 60 seconds of bleeding 50% slower firing speed Sword range minicrits become crits crits vs non burning players Bushwacka 35% DMG Bonus 200% DMG From Fire No random crits Bushwacka Jump (Hitself on miss) 75% HP From healers 50% slower firing speed Shahanshah 250% DMG when 50% HP No healing from medic 500% HP from packs 175 HP Spy * Primary Weapons Revolver 100% Accuracy 20% Faster Fire Rate 900% Secondary Ammo 50% Faster Reload Speed Ambassador Headshot x10 DMG 200% Firing speed 50% Cloak on hit 99% DMG Penalty 99% Cloak Duration Enforcer X3 DMG Minicrits become crits Crit vs non burning players 1 Shot x2 Longer Reload time Diamondback 10% Firing Rate 1 Shot 10 Bullets per shot 30% Sentry Resistance x10 Ammo Secondary Weapons Sapper Wheatley sounds. Why not. Melee Weapons Knife 10% Firing Speed 100% Gun ammo 25% Cloak duration Your Eternal Reward No changes Wanga Prick No changes Conniver's Kunai 124 HP Big Earner x2 Range! 100% cloak on kill 50 HP Fire x2 slower Spy-cicle 150 Second to regain knife 20 seconds of fire invulnerability